7 nov 2017

Final Exam. 1st Term. (4ºESO)

(NOV 23rd)

  • Physical quantities and SI Units
  • History of the Atomic models
  • Current atomic model. Quantum numbers, orbitals.
  • Electronic configuration
      • Periodic properties 
      • Classify elements in metals and no metals regarding on their electronic configuration.
      • Chemical Bonds. Based on the electronic configuration of the atoms that form the compound decide what chemical bond will keep the atoms together. According to the type of bond, describe the properties of a compound. (ENLACE QUÍMICO)
      • Ionic Bond. ionization process

      • Metallic Bond, identify the cations and describe the electron cloud

      • Intermolecular forces
      Book Unit 1 KEY  || Book Unit 2 KEY

      Exam II Nov 16th? 21st?, . (2ESO)

      Worksheet (handed out in class)

      Exam II content:(click on the links to see videos and more)
      • General and specific properties.
      • Definition of mass and volume. 
      • Density.
      • Classification of matter
      • Pure substances: elements and compounds
      • Mixtures:
      • Homogeneous. Definition
      • Solutions. Concentration
      •  Methods for separating homogeneous mixtures: Crystallization and Distillation

      •  Heterogeneous. Definition
      • Methods for separatign heterogeneous mixtures: Decanting, Filtering and Centrifuging.
      • Suspensions and colloids